Day 1: The Sassy Grass Experiment
I've struggled with my weight for multiple decades. I've struggled with my health over the last six months. When I met Shiloah Jordan at a conference, she agreed to enroll me in her program to document the effects of Sassy Grass in combination with her Baby My Body health program. I was elated and I couldn't wait to get started.
I am an active person. I walk at least a mile almost every single day. I don't drive. Public transportation and my two legs are how I get around. I gave up soda for a year and documented the experience, but the weight didn't come off like I'd been told (and expected) that it would. I knew something else was causing me problems, I just didn't know what.
After talking with Shiloah, she explained to me that the stress hormone cortisol actively works to keep weight on your body because that extra fat is deemed essential to survival and it also works to drive you to eating more. That seemed to make sense. I've spent most of my life living at the maximum end of stress and have only begun to get my life under control in the last year. My past failure to achieve results may have been more due to the stress I was under than anything else.
I've also suffered from a lack of fertility. I don't use birth control of any kind and haven't since my son was 6 months old (he's 22 as of this writing), but I haven't been able to get pregnant again. And it's not for a lack of trying. I've had doctors tell me that if I would just lose 10 pounds I would get pregnant. I lost the pounds but didn't get pregnant. Clearly, rather than my weight being the cause of my fertility problems, I believe the weight is a symptom of the real problems.
Today, my Sassy Grass arrived: six adorably packaged mason jars of grassy goodness, enough to last myself and my husband for about 3 months. It's the start of a journey that will hopefully lead to better health as well as living a life in a body I love. I'm looking forward to the changes. I know there will be challenges along the way, but every good thing comes with challenges.
Today, March 22, 2018, these are my measurements:
Neck: 15 1/8"
Upper left arm: 14 1/2"
Upper right arm: 15"
Left wrist: 7 1/2"
Right wrist: 7 3/8"
Bust: 44 1/2"
Waist: 41 1/2"
Gut: 48 6/8"
Hips: 47"
Upper left thigh: 27 1/2"
Upper right thigh: 28 1/2"
Left knee: 16 1/4"
Right knee: 16 1/2"
Left calf: 17 1/8"
Right calf: 18 1/4"
Left ankle: 11 1/8"
Right ankle: 10 6/8"
My weight is 206 pounds. Definitely more than I wanted it to be, but it is what it is for right now. I have to face up to where I am if I am going to chart a course to where I want to be.
I'll keep you posted on my progress. A tablespoon a day will hopefully keep the doctor away for this woman.
I am so excited for you Brandy! <3